By Blayne Bittner

I am currently working on this page, but so far, I have the following:

April 23rd, I put up two of mine and my friend's literature

April 25th, I fixed several of the minor glitches on my home page; I put up another one of Dallas' poems!

April 26th, I put up a financial banner on my web site... All you have to do is click on it and I make some money... please click on the financial banner for your support! THANK YOU!!! Today I also put up another couple banners and the story: "The Reign of Terror"!

April 30th, I put up my friend's poem: "Harlin's Escape"!!!

May 2nd, I put up my two short stories, which I wrote a couple of years ago: "Distorted", and "Warped"!

September 8th, I may have some bad news for any regular viewers, if I have any. I have been idling since last school year. If by the end of a few months, I haven't received at least an average of fifty viewers per month, I am shutting this site nearly completely down. Then I well leave it dry with practically anonymous stories. Please, I'm not trying to attract any viewers this way, I am simply getting tired of doing this for no point what so ever! If you do like my site, rather than e-mail me, please do tell your friends and spread the news. If not, please don't say anything negative. The fact is that I've barely edited my short stories and am not sure if they're even good at all. I put it up just for fun to see if anyone would actually view it. Maybe I'll come back to it some day. I will, however, continue to update this site for a short time, please don't expect it to be an every day thing though. Thanks for visiting my site... at least I had 17 visitors last month!

September 9th, I fixed a lot of my web site, but I accidentally deleted the webring bar. Please e-mail me at if you have any issues!

September 12th I, my appologise for the belated September 11th post, but I'm a Canadian and not a so-called hardcore fanatic. Still, my heart goes out to everyone who lost their lives in the tragic incident. But... do we still hear about the wars within this year where nearly or even a lot over double the population lost their lives. Do you think they were all soldiers. And, to boot, when the American #$%^in' bombed us by mistake and killed like five or six people, we had to practically bribe CNN to #$%^in' mention it! Anyways, my conclusion on this is that 'yeah people lost their lives, but even you Americans have lost at least quadruple since that event!'

September 12th II, on another note, I think that I'm gonna' start having a contest! I'm gonna' let any of my 10 or so (or whatever) fans vote them off one one per week. e-mail me telling me both one story to keep and one to get rid of. Then tell me why. It has to say much in the title okay, so don't like send me a valentine card with the answer inside 'cause then I won't take the chance and read it! Anyways, please e-mail me at k' so don't feel afraid. If I just don't trust you, I won't read your message!